
About Service

P&J Consulting focuses on the difficulties manifesting in the marital and parent-child relationship.

In Marital (and in parent-child) relationship, challenges usually arise when each spouse (parent-child) holds a different perspective of situations and issues. And are not able to see eye-to- eye. P&J Consulting seeks to walk alongside to support the couples (and in parent-child) to blaze the trails and walk out of the difficulties present in the relationship. The psychologist will help them to identify the areas of concerns, understand the perspectives of both parties, agree on the changes that may be required to improve and enjoy the relationship.

To provide a more evident based approach to counseling, we would recommend the couple to take the Prepare/Enrich or the T-JTA psychometric instrument. This assessment will allow the couple to work through the issues more systematically.

some Key reasons for marital conflict

1) Communication
2) Conflict Resolution
3) Expectations
4) Leisure and friendship with others
5) Parenting style
6) Infidelity
7) Sexual difficulties
8) Financial management
9) In Laws relationship

some Key reasons for Parent-Child conflict

1) Communication between 2 person with different lingo
2) Conflict Resolution between 2 person with different degree of power
3) Expectations
4) Parenting style